Here are a few tips for brewing the perfect cup of coffee in a French press and a couple of pourover methods.


French Press

What You Will Need

  • Coffee – 70 grams (about 7 tablespoons)fresh, whole bean MORU specialty coffee
  • Water – 1 liter (about 34 ounces), filtered, 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit. (In Denver, water boils at about 203 degrees Fahrenheit). Plus additional water to rinse your french press and preheat your coffee mug!
  • Gram scale
  • Grinder- Preferably a burr type to ensure a consistent grind
  • French Press (8 cup size; 34oz or 1 liter) vessel
  • Wooden stir paddle
  • Timer
  • Rinse your French press with hot, filtered water in order to preheat the glass.

Ready to Brew Using Your 8 Cup French Press

  • Pour hot water into your mug and set it mug aside to preheat.
  • Weigh out the whole bean coffee.
  • Grind the coffee (a little larger than coarse kosher salt).
  • Place the ground coffee into bottom of French press vessel.
  • Place your French press on scale and zero out your scale.
  • Bring the water to a boil.
  • Start your timer, counting up.
  • Slowly pour enough water (about 100g) to cover and soak the coffee.
  • Let your coffee bloom (de-gas) for about 20 seconds.
  • Gently stir the mixture to wet all the coffee grounds.
  • Pour the remaining 880g of hot water into the French press.
  • Carefully place the pressing screen and top onto the vessel without pressing.
  • Let your coffee brew for 4 minutes.
  • Gently press the plunger all the way down.
  • Discard the water in your coffee mug.
  • Server your coffee and enjoy!


Hario V60

What You Will Need

  • Coffee - 20 grams (about 2 heaping tablespoons) fresh, whole bean MORU specialty coffee
  • Water – 300 grams (about 10 ounces), filtered, 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit. (In Denver, water boils at about 203 degrees Fahrenheit). Plus additional water to rinse your Hario and preheat your coffee mug!
  • Gram scale
  • Grinder- Preferably a burr type to ensure a consistent grind
  • Hario V60 Brewer
  • Hario filter
  • Wooden stir paddle
  • Timer
  • Place the filter into your Hario brewer and set it on top of your mug.

Ready to Brew Using Your Hario V60

  • Pour hot, filtered water over the entire filter; rinsing the filter, brewer and mug. Discard the water.
  • Weigh out the whole bean coffee.
  • Grind coffee medium course (about the size of fine sea salt).
  • Place coffee in the filter.
  • Place your mug and brewer with the filter and coffee on your scale and zero out the scale.
  • Bring the water to a boil.
  • Start your timer, counting up.
  • Slowly pour enough water (about 100g) to cover and soak the coffee.
  • Let your coffee bloom (de-gas) for about 20 seconds.
  • Gently stir the mixture to wet all the coffee grounds.
  • Pour the remaining 650g of hot water into the French press.
  • Let your coffee brew through the filter.
  • You are looking for about a 1.5-2 minute brew time.
  • Enjoy your coffee!



What You Will Need

  • Coffee - 50 grams (about 5 tablespoons) fresh, whole bean MORU specialty coffee
  • Water – 750 grams (about 26 ounces), filtered, 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit. (In Denver, water boils at about 203 degrees Fahrenheit). Plus additional water to rinse your Chemex and preheat your coffee mug!
  • Gram scale
  • Grinder- Preferably a burr type to ensure a consistent grind
  • Chemex vessel
  • Chemex filter
  • Wooden stir paddle
  • Timer

Ready to Brew Using Your Chemex

  • Place the filter into your Chemex and pour hot, filetered water over the entire filter; rinsing the filter and vessel. Discard the water and replace the filter into the top of the Chemex.
  • Pour water into your mug and set it mug aside to preheat.
  • Weigh out the whole bean coffee.
  • Grind coffee medium course (about the size of coarse sea salt).
  • Place coffee in the filter.
  • Place the Chemex on your scale and zero out the scale.
  • Bring the water to a boil.
  • Start your timer, counting up.
  • Slowly pour enough water (about 100g) to cover and soak the coffee.
  • Let your coffee bloom (de-gas) for about 20 seconds.
  • Gently stir the mixture to wet all the coffee grounds.
  • Pour the remaining 650g of hot water into the French press.
  • Let your coffee brew through the filter.
  • Discard the water in your coffee mug.
  • Server your coffee and enjoy!